Coach’s Corner

image00069Coach Larry Brown was first introduced to archery by his father who was a bow maker.  Larry got one lesson from his father and was hooked.  In the late 1970’s Larry began to seriously pursue archery and to compete on local and national levels.  His commitment took vision, courage, personal fortitude and discipline.  Larry was one of a handful of African Americans competing nationally in the often-closed world of Olympic Tournament Archery. Coach Brown holds many tournament titles and continues to compete in local and national tournaments.

From 2002-2004 Brown was the head coach for the Columbia University Women’s Archery Program.   He left Columbia determined to pursue his dream of promoting archery with inner city youth reaching out specifically to marginalized youth who had no access to archery. With an emphasis on reaching out to African American and Latino youth, his coaching has reached thousands of archers across all races and many cultures. Coach Brown has been teaching archery at 12 different elementary, middle and high schools in New York City.  His mission was and continues to be to make this sport available to those who were the least likely to have access to it.

As Coach Brown’s students advanced, it became evident to him that they needed to be exposed to a higher level of archery competition.  In 2008 Coach began Center Shot Archers as a home for young archers to meet and grow, to develop their skills and to become world-class competitors.

Coach Brown has taught his Center Shot Archers to be disciplined, committed, confident and physically strong.  He stresses the importance of academic success, hard work, pride and team spirit.   Coach has prepared his archers well.  They are winning tournaments and making him proud.

Coach Brown’s Archery Bio


6 Responses to Coach’s Corner

  1. boneyt57 says:

    People like mr.brown are teachers/coaches.Changing their world by changing and becoming something greater than themselves, so I say bravo to those that have a mindset to give to the youth of today. Teach them the responsibility of archery! After all it is just a sport, so let’s not reinvent the wheel one on this one. Teachers teach,Coaches coach; what they have in common is inspiering our youths our kids for a grander tomorro.Teach them responsibility and accountability; coach them in its disciplies. Who really knows? Somebody’s got to to win at the olympics.

  2. Sana says:

    Coach Brown is a living legacy! we need more people to love and care for the children as he does, and really teach them skills for life.

  3. James Hennessy says:

    I admire what You are accomplishing.And that Your students are taught “instinctive” aiming and release is the best possible technique to learn as a beginner. Even experienced Archers can learn , or better, relearn!
    I’d equate this with learning math skills before being allowed to use a calculator.
    Spot on Coach Brown! Best of everything to You and Your students!

  4. Julius Brown Jr says:

    Good evening , this message is for Mr Larry Brown. My name is Julius Brown and I had the pleasure of meeting you at the Harlem Fine Arts show, where we discussed , arthritis, nutrition anf archery.Ive never shot a bow, but im really excited about learning and practicing the sport.I can be reached by email at or by phone @ 718-415-3768
    Thank you much and be well

    • Hi Julius. It’s Roberta. I respond to the website emails. I told Larry you sent word and he remembers you well and was very pleased you reached out. Our Saturday classes run in 8 class cycles. The beginner class is from 10:30-12. We provide the equipment. Our next cycle begins April 6th, however you are welcome to come by any Saturday and meet the other coach and see how we run class. See you soon.

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